Software Download

Please expand the desired category to see the download links.

Operating System & C++ Development Kit

Application Software

In the Windows command line (cmd.exe), you can compare the download checksums with these commands to validate the downloads:


CertUtil -hashfile <filename> sha256
CertUtil -hashfile <filename> md5


For other versions of our software packages please contact our support: opus-support(at)

These products could contain software components that are licensed by the holder of the rights as free software, or Open Source software, under GNU General Public License, Version 2 , or any later version, or GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, or any later version, or Open Source software, under GNU General Public License, Version 3, or any later version, or GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3, or any later version, respectively.
The source code for these software components can be obtained from us by submitting a request to our customer service department: